Report: diversification of rural enterprise helped create 860 new jobs

05.06.2014 | 16:16


From the RDP 2007–2013 monitoring report it becomes evident that with the help of the measures directed at the diversification of rural enterprise and the improvement of life quality about 860 new jobs will be created in rural areas. 

 „Diversification of economic activities in rural areas has added a considerable number of jobs and has thereby improved rural employment possibilities,“ said the Head of the Rural Development Department Marko Gorban.  2508 villages all over Estonia are related to the supports directed at village renovation and development. „The supported objects help to improve the availability or quality of services for a great number of rural inhabitants,“ said Gorban.   During seven years, more than 4000 applications were submitted in all out of which about 2200 projects were awarded support in the amount of 138 million euros. With the help of supports the following has been done:
  • 468 rural tourism activities are carried out;
  • about 860 jobs are created;
  • ca 550 clubhouses and more than 500 playgrounds, village squares etc. have been constructed;
  • rural tourism has increased by almost 12 500 overnight visits and 84 300 day visits;
  • 2508 villages have been renovated and developed
  • the access of ca 32 000 people to broadband internet has improved.
 Agricultural and rural development measures are financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and cofinanced from the state budget of Estonia. 

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